Discuss: Leopard-Trek to End?

Fotoreporter Sirotti

Ongoing rumors indicate that Leopard-Trek may “merge” with RadioShack. This morning’s headline in L’Equipe reads, “Leopard, c’est fini.” Leopard, it’s over. Many curious and uncomfortable issues surround this alleged merger – not the least of which is that as many as a dozen riders may be without a job, at a time when more ProTeams are folding or merging than new ones are starting. 

Leopard-Trek made a splash with their coy withholding of team information followed by their debut during which they declared themselves to be the torchbearers of “true racing.” Their incarnation has been anything but: a failed superteam with more potential than victories, seemingly expected to be handed races, excelling at placing champions on the second step of the podium. 

And so, discuss: should we put any faith in rumors about these two entities – one of whom has a short history of misinformation, and the other – Johan Bruyneel – a long history of smoke and mirrors? If they merge, will this result in a more interesting RadioShack? Is this good for the Schlecks but bad for everyone else, including RadioShack’s currently developing talent who may have to take another backseat in an all-for-one General Classification season strategy?

And, if Leopard-Trek is to end – is it good riddance?

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6 Responses to Discuss: Leopard-Trek to End?

  1. grolby says:

    "RadioShack-Nissan-Trek." That's kind of an awkward mouthful. And what's the deal with the staff? That story implies that RadioShack is being folded into the Leopard management structure – but that doesn't sound like something that Bruyneel would permit. How very strange.

    Anyway, it's not good riddance – it's a damn shame, since some very good riders are now going to find themselves scrambling for a job, through no fault of their own.

    • bmj says:

      Yeah, I'm wondering if Bruyneel will stick around with the given arrangement. Tour team selection should be interesting, too, with no lack of "super domestiques" for Frandy.

  2. beeline says:

    ugh – good riddance. what an odd union of arrogance and wailing that all was. leopard? see ya, pard.

    • bjanaszek says:

      Several interesting bits of news have surfaces:

      1. Kim Andersen claims he didn't know anything about the merger.
      2. Brice Fellieu said the team didn't receive any communication regarding the merger, either.

      Sounds like Bruyneel may be waiting in the wings. It also really stinks for the guys on the team who won't be a part of the merger and missed the high activity period of transfers.

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