Tag Archives: kreuzinger

Monday Musette – Milan-San Remo Wrap-up

Saturday’s Milan-San Remo went-off without a hitch–despite the weather’s best attempts to ruin the day. After 298 kilometers of racing in cold, rainy conditions, it was a Spaniard who ended-up with the victory. Funny how two men from warmer, sunnier climates have taken wins in two of the season’s grimiest races thus far. Here’s what … Continue reading

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Monday Musette – Interbike, Di2, and the Vuelta

While we won’t be making the pilgrimage to Vegas this week, we are eagerly awaiting the various reports and eye-candy that make it one of the most fascinating of the year. Here are some things we recommend you check-out: 1. The good folks at IF have posted some pretty interesting photos on their blog about … Continue reading

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Monday Musings – Death of a Legend and Suisse Wrap-up

1. I don’t like it either. Race reports are smaller. Less photos. Information is scattered and difficult to locate. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still the go-to site for all our cycling needs, but I can’t help the sense I’m beginning to the feel the way I’ve come to feel about Velonews‘ new print layout … Continue reading

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