Tag Archives: hampsten

Holiday Gift Guide – Mopha Tool Wrap

The Mopha Tool Wrap was first sent to me as a gift from Steve over at Hampsten Cycles. I’ve always struggled with finding efficient, yet cool-looking ways to carry tools. For a while I used a sawed-off water bottle, but this presented problems on days when two bottles were required. I then moved to a … Continue reading

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An Interview with Steve Hampsten – Part 2

This weekend, Austin, Texas hosts the 7th annual North American Handmade Bicycle Show—affectionately known as “NAHBS”—where many of the worlds finest bicycle and accessory craftsmen will assemble to show their wares, exchange ideas, and in some special cases, maybe enjoy a ride or two. This year, one of our favorite builders, Steve Hampsten from Seattle, … Continue reading

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An Interview with Steve Hampsten – Part 1

This weekend, Austin, Texas hosts the 7th annual North American Handmade Bicycle Show—affectionately known as “NAHBS”—where many of the worlds finest bicycle and accessory craftsmen will assemble to show their wares, exchange ideas, and in some special cases, maybe enjoy a ride or two. This year, one of our favorite builders, Steve Hampsten from Seattle, … Continue reading

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Monday Musette – Trek, Track, Wilson, Winter, and…Hipsters?

Here’s your Monday Musette: 1. Photos of the The Shack’s new Treks have been released.  Your thoughts?  Personally, I find them too busy.  And what’s with overabundance of customized, team-specific wheel decals?  On the other hand, Sky’s Pinarello’s are much more pleasing to my eye.  2.  Olympic track racing just got boring with the announcement … Continue reading

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Monday Musette – Hampsten, the Mandeville Canyon Case, Knickman, etc…

Here are some snacks for your Monday: 1. In case you missed it, our friends at Hampsten Cycles recently unveiled their remodeled site. Steve’s promised us an interview as soon as I get some questions together (feel free to make suggestions in “Comments”). Until then, you can read more about Steve and his bikes in … Continue reading

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Monday Musette – Farrar, Hampsten, and Mueslix

1. Congratulations to Tyler Farrar for breaking through with a big win in yesterday’s Vattenfall Cyclassics. It’s a result we’ve been expecting from Farrar, and it followed a solid effort from his Garmin team. With Tom Danielson on form as well, it could be an interesting fall for the boys in blue and orange argyle. … Continue reading

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