Tag Archives: video

Behind the Barriers – Episode 10

Here’s the latest episode from Season 2 of Behind the Barriers–enjoy!

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2010 Tour de France – Stage 11 – Mark Renshaw Head-Butt Video

Versus just sent me some video of today’s sprint with permission to share it with you.  Enjoy! Share your comments below!

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Monday Musette – Wednesday Edition

I guess I’m still a bit jet-lagged from my trip out west. Here’s the week’s Musette: 1. The Giro has blown wide open—sort of. Monte Zoncolan and the Plan de Corones have started the reshuffling of the general classification, but there’s still some ground to be made up if the men favored to win the … Continue reading

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Monday Musette РPav̩ Awards (2010 Classics)

Several hours in the air this weekend offered me a perfect opportunity to reflect on this year’s classics. Here’s a run-down of this spring’s Pavé Awards, with videos to tell the stories my words could not.  Enjoy! Rider of the Spring:How could we not give the Rider of the Spring award to Fabian Cancellara? Spartacus … Continue reading

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New Column – Ask Ritte!

Ritte Van Vlaanderen was born in Ninove, Belgium on November 5th, 1974, 1-day before Frank Vandenbroucke, a man whose shadow Ritte was never able to escape. Born Ritte Vanderslagmolenbeekegem, Van Vlaanderen changed his name when he moved to Southern California in 1999 after Vandenbroucke’s win in Liege-Bastogne-Liege. As the general manger of the Ritte Van … Continue reading

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Cancellara RVV Bike Change Video

This didn’t work the first time I tried to post it, so I did a video screen capture and tried my best to get a good copy of the footage–so excuse the first few moments. As for the action itself, well–it speaks for itself.  Enjoy! Free online screen recorder One note: if you are the … Continue reading

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